Watch out for the Zombie Battleground!
No, we’re not talking the latest series of The Walking Dead, actually it’s the first ever mobile game that’s blockchain-based. Thanks to a very successful Kickstarter campaign, the game is being developed to launch on the Loom network.
You may already have seen the Kickstarter offering, which launched in mid June 2018 with a $250,000 target. That total has already been smashed, way ahead of its mid August deadline.
Loom Network has said a big thank you to its contributors with a round of applause via Twitter, and is now ready to starting dishing out the bonuses. Early investors will start to see the benefits of their investment during August.
The game is due to be fully released with all features from May 2019, with early releases scheduled throughout the remainder of 2018.
If you’re old enough to remember the card collecting games popular in the Nineties, Zombie Battleground will be a familiar concept. You will be able to buy, sell and trade digital cards with the aim of creating the perfect deck. As it’s blockchain based users will own their cards and there will be added features such as online provenance of rare cards. Using blockchain in this way means Zombie Battleground could become a big threat to the traditional norms of online gaming.
The game has been developed by a team of over fifty people spread around the world, all under the watchful eye of game director Roy Shapiro. He’s described Zombie Battleground as “easily learned but very had to master”.
Despite reaching it’s original target, contributions are still being invited through Kickstarter. Loom Network has added some stretch goals that will enable users to add additional features and cards to the game once the full edition has been released.